As a Master Teacher, I offer several advanced knowledge courses and techniques for fast-tracking personal evolution to higher states of consciousness, transforming one’s worldview, revolutionizing relationships with others, and realizing life’s true purpose.
*Some of the below opportunities, where noted, require at least 1 year of regular practice of Vedic Meditation.
Rounding is an industrial strength form of meditation in which even deeper levels of rest are attained, deepening and accelerating the process of stress release and personal evolution.
Rounding draws on ancient knowledge and was re-cognized into modern society by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1968.
The Beatles “Dear Prudence” is about Mia Farrow's sister Prudence rounding in her room at Maharishi’s ashram all day.
A round is a specialized sequence of specific yoga asanas, breath work, meditation, and lying down, which takes about 50 minutes.
As an emissary of Maharishi, my teacher was once sent to meet with Sri Krishnamacharya, the father of all modern yoga, and teacher of Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois and B.K.S. Iyengar. During the meeting, he showed Sri Krishnamacharya the specific sequence of yoga asanas used in the new rounding technique Maharishi had re-cognized from ancient Vedic knowledge. Deeply impressed, Sri Krishnamacharya responded, “Very good. This is proper yoga for transcendence. What I teach is for warriors in battle.”
Rounding begins with a specialized short sequence of specific Vedic yoga asanas, which are not about flexibility or working out—they are simple, light stretches anyone can do.
The asanas are followed by a few minutes of a simple, slow ancient breathing technique.
After the asanas and breath work comes a standard sitting of meditation, followed by a 10-minute lie-down.
Learning rounding takes about 2 hours of in-person instruction.
108pp | full-time students
108pp | groups of five or more
504pp | individuals
Rounding instruction is also included as part of the Exploring The Veda series.
CBT is an advanced technique for accelerating our realization of our true status as the entire cosmos, and not simply our own body.
Once, a woman who had recently learned CBT from Maharishi returned to him, exasperated, with a troubling report.
“Maharishi, I can’t fit through the doorway anymore!” she complained.
She had become so strongly identified with her cosmic body through practice of CBT, that she genuinely felt her regular body had become too big to pass through a standard sized doorway.
Learning CBT requires witnessing an in-person puja and about 90 minutes of personal instruction.
108pp | full-time students
108pp | groups of five or more
504pp | individuals
Payment plans available.
CBT instruction is also included as part of the Exploring the Vedas series.
The mind craves transcendence so much, it can’t wait to get there.
As the mind becomes increasingly de-excited and moves increasingly inward, it inevitably reaches a point where it just can’t wait any longer, so it skips over the ensuing finer states of inwardness and transcends.
Advanced techniques are upgrades to our personal mantra which allow the mind to spend more time in those increasingly finer states bordering on the edge of waking and transcending, known as ritam.
The more time we spend in ritam during each meditation, the more quickly that feeling of supreme inner contentedness we experience inside meditation begins to integrate into our daily lives.
The outcome? Something called super-acute sensory perception.
We begin to be increasingly able to see the future in the making.
Everything is always changing, but usually at such a fine level it can’t be perceived without a finer capacity for perception.
Stress comes from a sudden change in expectation.
You should have been adjusting to the expectation the whole time, but because you couldn’t see it coming, it took you by surprise.
When we are able to perceive fine changes in the making, we can adapt our expectations to be more accurate and avoid stress incursion.
Regular meditation with our advanced mantra expands our capacity for stability and adaptation, ultimately making us more and more impervious to stress.
After meditating regularly for 1 year, meditators are eligible to learn an advanced technique.
Learning an advanced technique requires witnessing puja in-person and about 90 minutes of personal instruction, as well as a brief checking session the next day.
504pp | full-time students
1 week's earnings | individuals
Payment plans available.
Have you ever wondered why we’re here, where we came from, why things unfold the way they do, what happens next, why things sometimes feel difficult, and what we can do about it?
In my younger years, I looked everywhere for answers. I read every book in the self-help/spirituality section, tried every type of psychedelic drug and plant medicine, and had myself analyzed from every different perspective, from astrology to human design. But each attempt to answer these questions only brought more questions, and no real answers.
It wasn’t until I began Exploring the Veda that I finally got the answers I was looking for.
Exploring the Veda is a six-part course series which unfolds from the ancient body of knowledge known as The Veda, the body of arts sciences from whence we get yoga, Ayurveda, and meditation.
The series of recorded lectures illuminates advanced knowledge and techniques for fast-tracking personal evolution to higher states of consciousness, transforming one’s worldview, revolutionizing relationships with others, and realizing life’s true purpose.
My teacher, Maharishi Vyasanand Sarasvati, once described the ETV series as “the most ambitious lectures I have ever recorded," and talks about it more in detail in this 20-minute podcast.
If you’ve found some resonance with Vedic knowledge so far, especially the Vedic Worldview podcast, the ETV series is a wonderful way to deepen your understanding.
ETV courses are offered a few times per year and taught over three or four consecutive days, for about 3-5 hours per day, which are comprised mainly of recorded lectures from Maharishi Vyasanand and followed by group discussion and Q&A.
The ETV series is best done in person, but can also be done remotely if needed.
ETV also includes instruction in Rounding and Cosmic Body Technique, as well as additional advanced techniques, such as the 3-in-1 technique, which is not available outside this setting.
650pp | full-time students
800pp | individuals and groups
Payment plans available.
26 Apr—3 May
3 May—10 May
10 May—16 May
May 16—June 1
June 2—July 15
Los Angeles
17 July—24 July
1 August—12 September
September 13—October 20
Los Angeles / Miami TBD
October 23—October 31
Nowra, AUS @ HERE In Nowra
November 1—November 10
Sydney, AUS