A real meditation practice isn't just about having a nice experience for a few moments—it's about having a great life.
Happiness is our default state, but we've accumulated a lifetime of stress, which hijacks the way we think, feel, act, and see the world.
When we're overloaded with daily demands, our body produces stress chemicals designed to protect us from perceived danger. This stress is stored in the physiology for life—potentially decades.
Science shows stress consumes more than 70% of our thoughts and is responsible for 98% of disease and illness. Research suggests that the average person loses a minimum of 2.1 hours a day to distraction.
It’s no wonder, since the average person today is exposed to more stress-causing information in a single day than the average person 200 years ago was exposed to in their entire lifetime.
Vedic Meditation is an effortless mantra-based technique for transcendence that’s practiced sitting comfortably in a chair for 20 minutes while thinking a personalized mantra in the same easy and effortless way we think any other thoughts.
Passed down for 5,000 years through an oral tradition of masters including Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the world famous Indian guru known for teaching The Beatles and inspiring their White Album, and assigned by teachers expertly trained for thousands of hours, the correct mantra will be infinitely more charming to the mind than other thoughts.
The mind naturally favors the mantra over thoughts and is finally able to transcend noise and quiet down into a deeply delightful supreme state of inner contentedness.
Once the mind is calm, the body follows suit, attaining to a level of rest many times deeper than sleep, dissolving deeply held stresses, and rebalancing natural happiness chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins.
In this previously unimaginable depth of rest, the body can release stress more quickly than it’s accumulated, so we wake up each day feeling a little better than the day before.
Like exercise, there are many varieties of meditation, and if you seek a rich, rewarding experience with longterm benefits that you’ll actually enjoy doing every day, it’s important to know the difference.
The mind's natural tendency is to think thoughts. Attempting to silence or resist these thoughts is, in and of itself, a thought process, as is the practice of observing them—so we end up with even more thoughts. It's like quicksand.
Vedic Meditation is neither a matter of contemplation nor concentration, both of which hold the mind on the conscious thinking level.
Unlike other techniques which require superhuman and unrealistic levels of focus and concentration and take a lifetime to master, VM uses a personalized mantra that works with the natural rhythms of the mind, so it’s easy and effortless for everyone, even those who think they “can’t meditate”—and no concentration is required.
Rather than trying to focus or control the mind, sitting in funny positions that hurt our back, we just sit comfortably and mentally repeat our personalized mantra, in the same easy and effortless way we think thoughts.
The rest goes almost by itself.
Science has shown meditation offers innumerable benefits, from improved sleep to heightened creativity and energy levels, increased vitality and immunity, balanced emotions and enhanced cognitive and physical performance.
It would be impossible to list all of the benefits of VM in one place, since the technique has such a fundamentally transformational effect on all aspects of our life and being, but the list below offers a snapshot of benefits Vedic meditators frequently report.
Relief from depression
Release of anxiety
Resilience to stress
Sustained baseline happiness
Enhanced creativity
Increased energy
Improved relationships
Better sleep
Relief from headaches
Improved memory
Heightened learning ability
Balanced emotions
Improved cognitive ability
Stronger immunity
More vitality
Improved circulation
Reduced risk of heart disease
Reverse aging
Heightened focus
Clarity of mind
Faster reaction time
Increased self-esteem
Deeper sense of purpose
Permanent flow state
Practicing meditation is also the most socially responsible thing you personally can do to make the world a better place.
By removing a lifetime of stress and cultivating a permanent backdrop of supreme inner contentedness in our lives, we enable ourselves to be better friends, partners, coworkers, and humans, more capable of supporting those around us and more capable of contributing to the world.
Our relationships improve, our performance at work improves, our family life improves, and people who come into contact with us generally have more positive experiences.
This is the true definition of being the change we wish to see.
I teach regularly in Los Angeles, Miami, New York, London and Ibiza as well as other major cities in the US and Europe.
The course consists of four 90-minute sessions held in-person over four consecutive days. You won't have to bring any #2 pencils or pass any exams, and we'll begin meditating the very first day.
After completing the four sessions, you’ll be self-sufficient in a technique you’ll use for life to release stress and feel happier and healthier while creating and performing at your best.
Vedic Meditation is traditionally taught on a sliding scale system, whereby each student makes a one-time contribution in the amount of one week’s earnings, which can be structured over several months. Group rates are also available on request.
The first step is to book a free talk on Zoom, where I'll demystify the idea of meditation and explain the simple science of happiness and stress management. You'll learn how Vedic Meditation works, how it's different to other techniques you may have tried, what benefits you can expect, and how the course works. I'll also answer any questions you may have.
Once you've attended a talk, you can register for a four-day course.
26 Apr—3 May
3 May—10 May
10 May—16 May
May 16—June 1
June 2—July 15
Los Angeles
17 July—24 July
1 August—12 September
September 13—October 20
Los Angeles / Miami TBD
October 23—October 31
Nowra, AUS @ HERE In Nowra
November 1—November 10
Sydney, AUS